1. Structure of Sentence ?

Sentence are good and little set of Words that comes together to express a meaningfull thaughts, and by the help of Sentence eassy to understand, that what is happening or event.
दोस्तों वाक्य में शब्द समूहों के साथ आते है, जिससे की एक सार्थक मतलब प्रकट किया जा सके, और इसकी सहायता से हमें यह समझने में आसानी होती है, की क्या हो रहा है, या क्या घटना घटित हो रहा है |

♥ Main Point of Structure Page. wrong finding in english
1. Structure of Sentence?
2. Type of Sentence Structure?
3. Simple Sentence Structure ?
4. Compound Sentence Structure ?
5. Complex Sentence Structure ?
4. Compound Sentence Structure ?

2. Type of Sentence Structure?

There are four Type of Sentence Structure.
वाक्यों के बनावट चार प्रकार के होते है,
1. Simple Sentence Structure
2. Compound Sentence Structure
3. Complex Sentence Structure
4. Compound - Complex Sentence Structure

learn alphabet in english

3. Simple Sentence Structure ?

This type of Sentence Structure contain only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that express a complete meaningfull mins. as for example... I pushed the van.
I pushed the van is an independent clause. it only contain a subject which is 'I' and a verb which is 'Van' and it express a complete meaningfull mins.

4. Compound Sentence Structure ?

A compound Sentence Structure contain minimum two independent clause.
and these clause are joined by a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon.
A coordinating is a word that glues words, pharases, or clauses together.
As for example... I pushed the van and it hurt Ram.
as you know I pushed the van is an independent clause. and it hurt Ram is also an independent clause. And this is a coordinating conjunction because joining the two independent clauses. and those are as 'I pushed van and it hurt Ram. is a Compound sentence.

5. Complex Sentence Structure ?

A Complex Sentence Structure contain a subordinate clause and independent clause.
A subordinate clause is a set of word that has a subject and a complete meaningfull mins.
As for example ... Ram cried. because Van hurt him.
Ram cried. is independent clause. Because Van hit him is a dependent adverb clause modifying the verb cried.
Ram cried because the ball hit him is a Complex Sentence.

6. Compound - Complex Sentence Structure ?

These are sort like a mash up of compound sentence structure and complex sentence structure.
They contain minimum two independent clauses and minimum two subordinate clause.
As for example ... Ram cried because the van hurt him, and I say sorry imediately. Ram cried and I say sorry imediately are both independent clauses. They are being joinde by the help of conjunction 'AND'.
Because the van hurt him is a independent adverb clause modifying the verb cried.
The all sentence is a Compound Complex Sentence.

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